To: The Mayor and Members of Maghull Town Council, Maghull Town Hall, Hall Lane,
You are hereby summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Council which will be
held in the Council Chamber, Maghull Town Hall on Wednesday 07 September 2022 at
6:30 PM to transact the business detailed below.
Note: DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – If a Member requires advice on any item involving
a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak and/or vote, he/she
is advised to contact the Town Clerk at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
1 Apologies For Absence
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Public Participation.
4 To Confirm the Minutes of the Last Meeting
Members are requested to confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 17th August 2022
as a correct record.
5 Consultation
Members are asked to consider the presentation by Andrew Dunsmore, Sefton MBC,
regarding road signs in Maghull.
6 Consultation
Members are asked to consider the request from Merseycare NHS Trust (Ashworth
Hospital) to address Council regarding their new facilities.
7 Council Vacancy – Co-option
Members are asked to fill the vacancy on the Council by co-option.
8 Maghull Hub
Members will receive a verbal update regarding the progress on the project.
9 Council Communication Strategy
Verbal review of options following demise of Champion Newspapers
10 AGAR – Annual Return to External Auditor
Members are asked to consider the report of the External Auditor (if received in time for
the meeting)
11 Planning Applications.
Members are asked to consider any planning applications which may have been
12 Report on Sefton Borough Council Matters
For noting only
13 Chairman’s Closing Comments
For noting only