
Remote Amenities Committee Meeting – 24th February 2021

Dated this 17th Day of February 2021

You are hereby summoned to attend a Remote Meeting of Amenities Committee which will be held on Wednesday 24th February 2021 at 6.30pm to transact the business detailed below.

Note:  DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST – If a Member requires advice on any item involving a possible declaration of interest which could affect his/her ability to speak and/or vote, he/she is advised to contact the Town Clerk  at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.

This meeting will be open to the press and public to view via the following link:



1 Apologies for Absence
2 Declarations of Interest
3 Public Participation due to the Covid 19 pandemic public participation will be dealt with via the submission of comments or questions to the committee prior to the meeting commencing. Anyone wishing to submit a comment or a question to the committee must do so by 5pm on 23rd February 2021
4 To confirm the Minutes of Amenities Committee held 18th November 2020 Members are asked to consider Draft Minutes (Pages 1 to 6)
5 Amenities Manager Update – Committee Resolutions Members are asked to consider the report (Pages 7 to 12)
6 Review of 2020/21 Grounds Maintenance Operations and Proposed 2021/22 Grounds Maintenance Operations   Members are asked to consider the report (Pages 13 to 31)
7 Management of play areas during the Covid-19 Pandemic   Members are asked to consider the report (Pages 32 to 36)
8 Proposed Rollout of Bird Boxes within Parks and Open Spaces owned/managed by Maghull Town Council Members are asked to consider the report (Pages 37 to 42)


9 Proposed Tree Planting Schemes at Pimbley Playing Field and Hall Lane Park Members are asked to consider the report (Pages 43 to 57)
10 Chair’s Report  Verbal report for noting only.


Miss A. McIntyre FSLCC

Town Clerk